Today’s public square: real & imagined mix freely in timeless drift, plus Trump’s illogical comments on Weiner

What can be more irritating than to see a news story that’s a week or month or even a year old appear on Google News, Yahoo! News or your Facebook feed? What’s worse is when days after it was originally published you ran across an early version of a news story—when maybe some of the […]

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To paraphrase Elvis Costello, what’s so funny about liberty, equality & fraternity?

Since the revolution of 1789, the national motto of France has been “Liberté, égalité, fraternité,” which translated into English and updated to remove any sexism translates to “Liberty, equality, solidarity.” French beach towns are making a mockery of all three concepts by passing laws that forbid the wearing of burkinis. The New York Times reports […]

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Emails reveal no conflicts of interest between Clinton State Department & Foundation. Controversy reveals double standard

As an owner of a small business I have been on both sides of requests for access similar to those at the center of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State.  Anytime my company needs to make contact with a company or highly placed individual, the first thing we do is ask […]

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Instead of doing push-ups, supporters of veterans should organize against war or staff suicide prevention lines

I first learned about the 22 push-up challenge on Facebook. Several of my 2,300+ Facebook friends are doing 22 push-ups a day for 22 days to commemorate the fact that 22 veterans commit suicide every day. The idea is to complete the 22 days and then challenge someone you know to do the same, all […]

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Shocking revelations in Clintons’ tax returns: Hillary is honest & believes in paying her fair share

No wonder Republicans are so afraid of Hillary Clinton that they continue to hitch their wagon to the exploding death star known as Donald Trump. The Clintons made $10 million last year, which definitely makes them one-percenters, just like all our presidents have been since Eisenhower, except her husband (who joined later) and Barack Obama […]

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Just when we thought Trump could sink no lower, he calls for assassination of his opponent as if America were Chile or Iran

To walk something back is a recent expression to the American lexicon which refers to the quibbling and prevaricating political candidates or elected officials do to show that they didn’t really mean to make a controversial remark that has sunk them into deep doo-doo. Supporters of Donald Trump will need a “Million Man March” effort […]

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My Jewish Currents article on “The Great Exception” sees possibility of another New Deal or Great Society

My recent in-depth reading of Jefferson Cowie’s The Great Exception has made me more confident about the future of social democracy in the United States than I have been in many a moon.  You can find my article on the book and why it makes me so optimistic in the latest issue of Jewish Currents. […]

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Hiroshima Day reminds us to tell all elected officials to vote against developing a new generation of nuclear weapons

There’s good news and bad news for those who want to end the existence of nuclear weapons in the United States and throughout the world. The good news is that the U.S. nuclear arsenal is reaching the end of its useable lifespan. The bad news is that President Obama wants to spend $1.0 trillion over […]

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15 reasons to vote against Donald Trump, which means voting for only candidate who can beat him, HRC

I really just wanted to write a tidy little list cataloguing 10 reasons to vote against Donald Trump, by which I mean vote for the only other viable candidate, Hillary Clinton. I wanted 10 reasons, each of which would in and of itself disqualify Trump or would be enough to make the reasonable person vote […]

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The very bad Ted Cruz has one shining moment telling GOP convention not to vote for Trump

Though not much into predictions, I’m fairly certain that John Kasich and Ted Cruz will inherit the mantle of leadership of the Republican Party after Donald Trump and the Republican ticket get crushed in November. On the surface, it looks as if there are real differences between them, but their differences revolve around style only. […]

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