Why hasn’t Justice Scalia proposed sending athletes and legacies to “lesser” schools?

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia expressed an odious racist sentiment the other day when he said that those admitted to elite universities based on Affirmative Action standards suffered a disservice because they struggle at the elite school instead of succeeding at a lesser institution. The reason I know Scalia’s comments carry a racial tinge—the false […]

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Wall Street Journal columnist doesn’t care about terrorist actions, preferring to go after “evil”

William McGurn, who regularly writes a column called “Main Street” in the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal, has a rather weird view of evil. In his column titled “The Liberal Theology of Gun Control,” he postulates that an evil can exist that does not manifest itself in the real world. The hidden premise—that […]

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Republicans prefer rights of NRA over safety of Americans, yet blame Obama for weak response to terrorism

Is it a lack of consistency or hypocrisy that drives the Republicans to their befuddling policies? The Republicans have spent the better part of four years devising and passing dozens of new state laws making it harder for millions of people to vote, to protect society from the ostensible menace of the lone wolf criminal […]

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Ted Cruz takes time from campaigning to hold a Senate hearing for climate change deniers

One day after President Obama returned from a global summit on human-induced climate change attended by nearly 150 world leaders, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz announced he is holding his own convocation to deny climate change is occurring. As chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science & Competitiveness Committee’s subcommittee on science and space, the Republican […]

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If Ferdinand Lundberg’s theory is right, we’re witnessing a putsch by wealthy to take over United States

Since the publication of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century, the mainstream news media has been paying attention to the impact of the super-rich on the political system. We see a growing number of candidates for major offices who are multi-millionaires and billionaires without elective experience, such as Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, Matt Bevin, […]

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Mainstream media trivializes Paris climate talks by focusing on Obama’s legacy

Have you noticed that most mainstream news media coverage of the climate change summit in France stresses that any agreement will burnish, establish, enhance or cement the legacy of Barack Obama’s presidency? It’s absurd to conjecture that Obama will be judged by one conference after almost seven tumultuous years in office. He shaped and passed […]

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Wyoming Senator John Barrasso perfects the art of lying while telling the truth

Although he has heavy competition from Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz, Donald Trump has recently established himself the king of the Big Lie. Saying that he saw thousands of people in New Jersey cheering the toppling of the twin towers on 9/11 serves as the American epitome of the […]

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Americans around tables with friends/families in warm homes should give thanks they aren’t refugees

As hundreds of millions of Americans gather with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, we should give thanks that we aren’t refugees. Whether praying to a deity or expressing our humanity, we should give thanks that our homes have not been destroyed, that we have not seen friends and family killed or injured […]

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The worst way to react to the Paris bloodbath is to escalate the war against ISIS

First we react with horror and sympathy. Then anger takes over, perhaps too quickly, and we focus on how we are going to revenge the deaths of innocents and destroy the barbaric enemy who planned and initiated the terrorism. Of course we hunt down the perpetrators who did not die, but we also start inflicting […]

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The immigration argument that Rubio ducked shows what’s wrong with presidential debate structure

Both the Associated Press and The New York Times did a solid job of reporting the factual mistakes made by the various Republican candidates for president in the fourth debate. Between the two media outlets, they picked up on the fact that: Ben Carson was wrong when he said that raising the minimum wage always […]

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