Evangelicals should protest that Starbucks commercializes Christmas by offering special cups to attract sales

Another skirmish on the culture wars broke out this week as right-wing Christians have flooded the social and mainstream media complaining that the specialty coffee cup into which the part-time, low-paid servers working for multinational Starbucks pour its overpriced brew in November and December does not sufficiently represent Christmas. This year’s cup is plain red […]

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If the series of Republican presidential debates is a reality show, then Ben Carson’s version is alternate reality TV

Every day we’re learning more about the fantasy world in which presidential candidate Ben Carson inhabits. Carson believes in a curious hodgepodge of fantasies, discredited myths, false ideas and inaccuracies, all of which he seems to have determined a priori, that is, before he considered any evidence outside his own longings or those of his […]

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In thinking about our troops in Syria, remember Viet Nam and how quickly 50 can become 500,000

I wonder whether the Obama Administration has been watching too many superhero movies. You know, the kind in which a team of three or four superheroes take on armies of the powerful. How else can we account for the administration’s assertion that embedding 50 specially trained soldiers into Kurdish and certain Syrian rebel forces will […]

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EHarmony resurrects TV ad that proposes having a threesome with a Christian authority figure

Do Americans want a “Big Brother” figure involved in their intimate relationships? That’s what eharmony.com, one of the largest dating sites in the world, seems to be saying in a commercial that it aired two years ago and recently resurrected with some fresh vignettes. Underlying the imagery is a sleazy subtext that suggests the possibility […]

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Anyone wondering how much Seattle football coach who prayed at a game will make to be test case for religious right?

Why is it so hard for those who want to defend the rights of Christians to infringe on others to understand that when someone acts as an employee or representative of a public organization, he or she absolutely cannot wear their religion on the sleeve? The latest attempt to assert a new religious right based […]

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The TV openings of both World Series and GOP debates overhype events as grandiose & historic battles of titans

Channel surfers exercise their itchy thumbs for three reasons: 1) To see what’s on TV; 2) To avoid commercials; or 3) To watch two things at one time. It was to this last group I belonged last night when I clicked between the musical openings of the World Series and the third Republican debate, televised […]

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Corporations, ideologues and craven academics all use grammar and syntax to distort meaning

Civic leaders and large institutions often use language to color or misshape reality, thinking that through the use of words they can turn chicken feathers into chicken salad. Most of the time, their attempts are chicken shit, as the public has become wary of the various ways that politicians and corporations distort reality. Most people […]

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Netanyahu reaches a new low in shamelessness in trying to justify the unjustifiable

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sunk to a new low in shamelessness when he said that a Palestinian leader gave Hitler the idea for the final solution which, it is always instructive to recount, involved gassing and incinerating millions of people because they were Jewish. This egregious rewriting of history, which came in a speech […]

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No Democratic candidate is proposing anything more than quick fixes to a broken system, not even Sanders

Progressives are delighted about the results of the first debate between the declared candidates for the Democratic nomination for president, but they shouldn’t be too happy. Sure, the candidates all expressed concern about income and wealth inequality, all favored paid family leave, all supported women’s reproductive rights and all want to do something about the […]

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Are we finally seeing the limits to gun madness in the United States?

No new gun control laws have been passed recently, but we may finally be seeing the limits of the gun madness that has gripped the country for the past few decades. For a while now, every year has seen Republican state legislatures pass laws that loosen gun controls and Republican judges strike down existing gun […]

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