Ted Cruz is more likely to become star orator on the rightwing rubber chicken circuit than president

With all the imagining Ted Cruz was doing in his speech announcing he’s running for president, one thing I don’t think he was imagining was winning. In fact, I’m convinced Cruz knows he’s not going to win and he doesn’t care, since he’s not really in the race to win. What I believe Cruz is […]

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Koch Industries uses college sports programming to try to brainwash American public

Why would a major university want to be associated with a company that has spent tens of millions of dollars espousing views that go against mainstream science and the preponderance of historical economic data? Do I even have to supply the answer? But here’s a hint: It’s in the title of songs written by Pink […]

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Basic premise of rightwing economics makes American society unfit, according to latest evolutionary theories

In Does Altruism Exist, David Sloan Wilson lays down the most advanced theory of how natural selection works. He reduces libraries worth of research and studies to a single statement: Within groups, selfish behavior by individuals succeeds, but between groups, groups with more altruistic behavior succeed. Wilson defines altruism purely in terms of action, not […]

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Another journalist revels in self-proclaimed stupidity by averring he’s afraid of math

There must be some unwritten law that journalists for the mainstream media are not allowed to write about a topic that involves numbers unless they first establish that they dislike, fear or are unable to understand math. Setting aside the issue of whether their narcissistic belief that their own math problem really warrants discussion, these […]

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GOP letter to Iran is not about treaty but about undermining the legitimacy of President Obama

Republicans, and Democrats for that matter, have every right to make public their opposition to negotiating an agreement that will slow down or stop Iran’s development of nuclear weapons in return for lifting severe economic sanctions on Iran. But I don’t believe foreign policy has anything to do with why 47 Republican Senators signed a […]

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Here’s a poem I wrote 6 years ago about the second Selma march

It’s easy to forget that there were three Selma marches. March 7 commemorates the bloody first march in which state troopers and a county posse attacked 600 unarmed marchers when they reached the Edmund Pettis Bridge. The marchers had wanted to walk 50 odd miles to Montgomery, the Alabama state capitol, to raise awareness of […]

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Ferguson financing city operations on backs of the poor is just business as usual

The U.S. Department of Justice Report on the Ferguson, Missouri police department (FPD) makes clear that the City of Ferguson made raising revenue the primary objective of the FPD and the Ferguson court system. In budgets, memos, emails, commands to police and meeting minutes, the DOJ found an explicit collective program to fund city operations […]

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Global warming deniers share many characteristics with those who defended slavery in first half of 19th century

On close inspection, the political and economic dynamics involving man-made global warming over the past 40 years resemble those of slavery in the United States from about 1790 until the Civil War. In both the case of slavery and man-made global warming, an overwhelming moral imperative begs us to act as individuals and as a […]

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Netanyahu uses faulty logic to justify a dangerous & unwise policy

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s reasoning makes as little sense as his overall strategy. Netanyahu is determined to scuttle the imminent deal between Iran and the P5+1 countries over Iran’s development of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. (BTW, P5+1 refers to the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—the United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom […]

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We need to initiate a massive campaign to make LAWS against the law

Does your spell check program ever frustrate you when it changes the grammatically correct “the person who” to the incorrect “the person that” or misses your mistake when you write the incorrect “the company and their employees” instead of the correct “the company and its employees?” We can blame these mistakes on the humans who […]

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