Why pick on affirmative action? Why hasn’t anyone sued universities about favoritism to legacies and athletes?

Yesterday’s announcement that the U.S. Supreme Court has accepted an appeal from a rejected white applicant to the University of Texas-Austin reminds me that every time the constitutionality of affirmative action returns to the issues agenda, one question is always left out: Why didn’t the applicant suing a university for accepting minorities with a less […]

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MIT professor revisits the cultures that bombed Pearl Harbor, destroyed the WTC and dropped A-bombs

I’m reading a very fascinating scholarly study called Cultures of War by MIT history professor John Dower. Professor Dower analyzes in detail the similarities in the cultural assumptions, bureaucratic decision-making processes, fascination with technology, religious orientation, use of propaganda and strategic military imperatives of four events that serve as symbolic points in the cultural history […]

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New York Fashion Week and Westminster Dogs: lots of prancing in NYC this week

It is one of those rare poetic coincidences that both the Westminster Dog Show and New York Fashion Week unfolded in the same week this year. Some might even call it proof of an intelligent, if satirical, design behind cultural history. Imagine: while pedigree dogs bred and trained to an arbitrary standard are parading around […]

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There are too many ways that employers can raid pension plans of workers

An article in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week depicted the various ways that employers can legally raid the pension fund of their employees and retirees. The premise of the article, titled “Signs Your Pension Plan Is in Trouble,” was that even healthy pensions plans that are adequately funded can be in trouble. The […]

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In GOP’s alternative world, Social Security is part of overall budget and not in a special trust

The banter between Republicans and Democrats on extending the temporary cut on the Social Security tax continues to take place in an alternative universe. In the real world, cutting a program that is part of the budget doesn’t offset a temporary decrease in the Social Security tax, since Social Security is administered by a special […]

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There are two types of right-wing extremists and both base their actions on faith, not reason

“Tell me what you think makes a person right wing extremist.” That’s the question posed to me on a personal tweet I received yesterday from someone names Silly Girl.  Silly Girl describes herself as “pro-life” and a “Tea Party Patriot.” Responding to Silly Girl’s question takes far more characters than Twitter’s limit.  Twitter is great […]

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Individuals should take precedence over institutions when it comes to a health matter like contraception

Is it a matter of women’s rights or is it a matter of religious freedom? That question has grown to become one of the major concerns of the mainstream news media since the Obama Administration mandated that contraception be covered in all health insurance policies.  The answer to this question of definition determines where you […]

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Forget about racism. By denigrating food stamps, Newt attacks all poor people regardless of race

February 8, 2012 Newt Gingrich has persisted in calling President Obama the “food stamp” president, despite the fact that more people went on food stamps during Bush II’s presidency than during the Obama presidency.  What I find interesting is how many people, both conservative and progressive, assume that the statement is inherently racist. And behind […]

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Values.com looks devoid of ideology, but proposes a secular religion that accepts the status quo

While channel-surfing last night I stumbled on a TV commercial selling the idea that people should say ”please” and “thank you.” After the Miss Manners seminar, the ad sends the viewer to the Values.com website. The values.com website is a hodgepodge of feel-good slogans and stories, sponsored by something called The Foundation for a Better […]

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Those supporting a woman’s right over her own body should stop sending money and walking for Komen

February 2 2012 It’s time for anyone who supports a woman’s right to an abortion to stop giving money to the Susan G. Komen Foundation and to stop participating in its walks.  Send your money to other organizations fighting breast cancer. But by no means should you reward the Komen Foundation for ending its funding […]

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